AI wireframe generator

Forget about drawing wireframes on a napkin. Generate and edit wireframes with an AI.

Forget about drawing wireframes on a napkin. Generate and edit wireframes with an AI.

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Get started

Fastest way of creating wireframes

Fastest way of creating wireframes

Text to Wireframes

Text to Wireframes

Write a simple description of the design you want, and Banani will generate wireframes for you in seconds.

Write a simple description of the design you want, and Banani will generate wireframes for you in seconds.

Try for free

Try for free



Our AI will automatically link your wireframes into a prototype you can use to present to others or test with potential users.

Our AI will automatically link your wireframes into a prototype you can use to present to others or test with potential users.

Try for free

Try for free

Edit wireframes with AI

Edit wireframes with AI

Modify parts of your wireframes using text prompts or by editing them in our simple design editor.

Modify parts of your wireframes using text prompts or by editing them in our simple design editor.

Get started

How to generate wireframes with AI

How to generate wireframes with AI


Write prompt

Write prompt

Just describe the designs you need in the form of a text.

Just describe the designs you need in the form of a text.


Get wireframes

Get wireframes

Our AI will generate one or multiple wireframes.

Our AI will generate one or multiple wireframes.


Edit and share

Edit and share

Make edits and share your design as a prototype.

Make edits and share your design as a prototype.

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Get started now

Bring your app or web design to life in minutes with generative AI.

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What is a wireframe?

What is a wireframe?

Wireframes are raw illustrations of your design. It can be used to illustrate your idea to others and is a first step in designing any app.

Wireframes are raw illustrations of your design. It can be used to illustrate your idea to others and is a first step in designing any app.

How do you make a good wireframe?

Wireframes keep their focus on functionality and content that users will see in the final design or product. In short, focus on usability and think about user needs.

Wireframes keep their focus on functionality and content that users will see in the final design or product. In short, focus on usability and think about user needs.

How to create a wireframe?

You can make wireframes literally on paper, or by using legacy design editors. With our AI wireframe generator, it's easier than ever before. Type your idea, our AI will generate multiple wireframes from a single prompt.

You can make wireframes literally on paper, or by using legacy design editors. With our AI wireframe generator, it's easier than ever before. Type your idea, our AI will generate multiple wireframes from a single prompt.

What are wireframing tools?

Wireframing tools are tools designed to help users create wireframes. Typically, wireframing software focuses on the speed of assembling your design idea, rather than how it will look.

Wireframing tools are tools designed to help users create wireframes. Typically, wireframing software focuses on the speed of assembling your design idea, rather than how it will look.